Oklahoma Law Firm Blog

Subtle Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Some people might think a little dizziness and fogginess is normal after an accident. However, these subtle feelings or discomfort may be a sign of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Because brain injuries can persist or worsen without treatment and rehabilitation, ignoring subtle TBI symptoms after an accident can have…

The Role of Negligence in Car Accident Lawsuits

Proving negligence is the key to securing compensation in car accident cases. In legal terms, negligence occurs when someone fails to act as a reasonable person would under similar circumstances and harms another. Insurance adjusters and lawyers make decisions in car accident claims based on who acted negligently. Elements of…

What Causes Car Rollover Accidents in Oklahoma?

Car rollover accidents are among the most traumatic and shocking experiences that can happen on the road. These dangerous wrecks can result in severe injuries, significant property damage, and loss of life. Understanding the underlying causes of these accidents is a critical step in preventing rollover accidents and seeking justice…

What Is Subrogation? Important Details for Your Case

“Subrogation” is an important concept in many personal injury claims. But just what is it, and how can it affect your case? Cain Law explains the basics of subrogation and what to expect as you pursue compensation after an injury that was not your fault. What Is Subrogation? “Subrogation” describes…

Personal Injury Lawsuit Tips for Seniors

If you were injured through another party’s negligent or wrongful actions, you may be able to hold them financially accountable by filing a personal injury lawsuit against them. However, older adults often face unique challenges when seeking financial relief through personal injury claims. Here, the OKC injury attorneys at Cain…

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) develops and enforces a variety of regulations to promote safety in the commercial trucking industry. Any carrier that operates across state lines is subject to these regulations. Knowledge of federal trucking laws is critical when accidents happen and innocent people are injured in…

Understanding Semi Truck Accident Liability

If you were injured in a truck accident, Oklahoma personal injury law allows you to seek full compensation against the parties responsible for the truck wreck for the injuries you have suffered. However, trucking companies often fight vigorously to avoid paying out any compensation following big rig accidents involving their…