Common Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Truck Accident Claim

Common Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Truck Accident ClaimIf a negligent truck driver or trucking company injured you, you could be owed significant compensation. A personal injury claim could help you recover money for your medical bills, vehicle repairs, lost wages, and other losses. However, the other side will likely fight back to avoid paying the full amount you need and deserve. Because of this, it is crucial to avoid these common mistakes that could jeopardize your Oklahoma truck accident claim. 

Not Checking on Everyone

Truck accidents can cause serious injuries. Check if you were injured and check for any injuries to the occupants of all vehicles involved in the accident. Call for an ambulance if anyone is injured.

Not Contacting Police to Report the Accident

The truck driver might try to assure you that the trucking company will take care of everything and you don’t need to report the accident. However, truck accidents are often complicated. Trucking companies will quickly deploy their own insurance adjusters and investigators with the goal of avoiding liability. Contacting the police can help get an objective investigation started.

Failing to Obtain a Police Report

When law enforcement officers arrive at the scene of the truck accident, they will create an accident report that contains details such as a description of your injuries, witness information, and an initial determination of fault. You will want to obtain a copy of the police report to support your claim.

Discussing Fault or Agreeing to a Recorded Statement

Don’t discuss fault with the other driver. Don’t give a recorded statement to the insurance company.

Not Documenting the Scene

Evidence will quickly be lost, so quickly gather as much information as possible by:

  • Obtaining information from the driver, including their driver’s license number, tag number, and insurance information
  • Writing down company information on the cab
  • Taking photos of vehicles involved, different angles of the accident scene, any debris on the roadway, and any skid marks
  • Getting names and contact information for witnesses

Not Seeking Medical Attention

Failing to seek prompt medical attention can have lasting consequences for your accident claim. The longer you wait to be evaluated by a medical professional, the less likely it is that the insurance company will accept liability. The insurance company might argue that your injuries stemmed from a separate accident. 

Being Dishonest About Injuries

Exaggerating your injuries can harm your claim. While you should never downplay the nature of your injuries, you also shouldn’t overstate them. If you exaggerate your injuries and the insurance company later discovers that your injuries weren’t as severe as you made it seem, they might reject your claim. Be honest when describing your injuries to the insurance adjuster, including any pre-existing injuries you had at the time of the accident.

Creating Social Media Posts

Insurance adjusters are notorious for browsing claimants’ social media profiles for evidence they can use to avoid liability. Anything you post online could be used against you to reduce or deny your claim. You should avoid posting on social media until your claim is resolved. 

Not Hiring an Attorney 

Truck accident claims are complex. Unlike a typical car accident claim, there are often multiple liable parties and multiple insurance companies involved in a truck accident case. Gathering all the necessary evidence you need to prove your claim and identifying all potential sources of compensation can be especially challenging without the help of an experienced legal professional. 

How Cain Law Office Can Help

The Oklahoma City truck accident lawyers at Cain Law Office have the skill and resources to: 

  • Conduct a thorough investigation of the truck accident you were involved in
  • Collect evidence such as witness testimony, truck driver logs, and surveillance camera footage
  • Document your damages 
  • Seek the financial relief you deserve.  

Contact us for a free case assessment with an experienced truck crash lawyer in Oklahoma City.