Category: Personal Injury Blog

Late Summer Safety Tips from Cain Law Office

As the summer heat continues, so does Cain Law Office’s commitment to keeping you and your family safe. The tail end of summer comes with its own set of safety risks you should be prepared for. Whether you’re planning a boating trip or just cooling off in your backyard, these…

What Is Subrogation? Important Details for Your Case

“Subrogation” is an important concept in many personal injury claims. But just what is it, and how can it affect your case? Cain Law Office explains the basics of subrogation and what to expect as you pursue compensation after an injury that was not your fault. What Is Subrogation? “Subrogation”…

Personal Injury Lawsuit Tips for Seniors

If you were injured through another party’s negligent or wrongful actions, you may be able to hold them financially accountable by filing a personal injury lawsuit against them. However, older adults often face unique challenges when seeking financial relief through personal injury claims. Here, the OKC injury attorneys at the…

Halloween Costume Safety

October is here, and Halloween, the spookiest day of the year, is fast approaching. As you get ready to carve a pumpkin, trick or treat, and watch classic horror flicks, remember to keep an eye out for safety. Cain Law Office discusses some smart Halloween tips to keep your ghouls…

Steps of a Personal Injury Trial

Most personal injury cases in Oklahoma are settled before a civil trial becomes necessary. However, in some instances, it’s necessary to bring your case to court to get you your rightful compensation for an injury. Personal injury trials can be complicated, so it helps to understand the basic steps involved….