Steps of a Personal Injury Trial

Most personal injury cases in Oklahoma are settled before a civil trial becomes necessary. However, in some instances, it’s necessary to bring your case to court to get you your rightful compensation for an injury. Personal injury trials can be complicated, so it helps to understand the basic steps involved. Below are the main steps in an injury case here in Oklahoma:

Choosing A Jury

Not all personal injury trials involve a jury, as your lawyer may request a “bench trial” where the judge will determine the verdict. But in jury trials, the first step is to select a group of jurors who will hear the evidence and render a verdict.

States and local governments maintain lists of available jurors and will pull names randomly from those lists. Each side in the trial is allowed to ask a certain number of jurors to be replaced, and they can ask to exclude others who may be biased.

Opening Statements

Once the jury has been selected, each side will present their opening statement to outline the basics of their argument and begin persuading the jury to agree with them. The plaintiff’s side speaks first, as they are the ones who must prove their case by a preponderance of the evidence. The defense then presents its defense.

Witness Testimony and Cross-Examination

Now that each side has given their opening statements, it’s time for them to present their evidence. The plaintiff will present their evidence and have their witnesses speak first. The defense cross-examines the witnesses to attack the credibility of their testimony.

Once the plaintiff’s OKC personal injury lawyer concludes their testimony, the defendant’s side presents their own evidence and witnesses. The plaintiff’s side then cross-examines the defendant’s witnesses.

Closing Arguments

After both sides have presented their evidence and witnesses, closing arguments begin. This is another opportunity for both sides to restate their core arguments and remind the jurors of any key evidence.

As with opening statements, the plaintiff goes first, followed by the defendant.

Jury Instructions

Before the jury begins their deliberations, they’ll receive instructions from the judge overseeing the trial. The judge will explain the basic legal principles of the case and what’s necessary to reach specific conclusions. The judge will also clarify the specific components of the plaintiff’s claim.

Jury Deliberation and Verdict

The final step in any trial is for the jury to deliberate and reach a verdict. They’ll assess the evidence presented during the case and use the judge’s instructions to determine whether the defendant is liable for the plaintiff’s injuries and what compensation (if any) the plaintiff should receive.

Once the jury has reached a decision, they’ll return to the courtroom and inform the judge. This is the end of the case, unless one side files an appeal.

Contact an Oklahoma Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If your personal injury case is going to trial, be sure to get help from an experienced Oklahoma injury lawyer. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Cain Law Office can give you more information about a typical personal injury case timeline and what you can expect. Contact us today for your free initial consultation.