Critical Documents to Support Your Personal Injury Claim

Whether you were injured in an Oklahoma car accident, slip and fall, or another incident, the process of filing a personal injury case looks basically the same. You provide evidence to support your case and demonstrate how much money you are entitled to for your losses. Then, a personal injury lawyer in Oklahoma files an insurance claim or lawsuit

Below, the team at Cain Law Office reviews the most critical documents to gather to support your personal injury claim and how they can help your attorney demand the compensation you deserve. 

What Documents Are Essential for Your Personal Injury Case?

If you are seeking compensation from a personal injury case, you’ll want to save the following important documents and provide them to your OKC injury lawyer:

  • Medical records, bills, and doctors’ notes – Your medical expenses and records from any medical care you received for your injuries are some of the most valuable pieces of evidence for your claim. Your medical records can demonstrate the overall nature and extent of your injuries and connect them to the accident. Your medical bills can show how much your treatment cost.
    It’s also a good idea to obtain a written note or letter from your doctor that describes in plain language your injuries, the care you received, diagnostic test results, and your overall recovery process. You can ask your doctor to include their professional opinion regarding how your injuries will impact your ability to work and their recommendation for how long you should refrain from working.
  • Employment records and pay stubs – Your employment records and pay stubs can help describe your job duties, your tenure as an employee, your pre-injury earnings, and how much money you lost because of time away from work while you were recovering from your injuries. If you don’t have easy access to pay stubs or records to prove your lost wages, you can ask your employer to provide a letter verifying the time you missed at work and any income you lost as a result.
  • Repair bills – If your vehicle or any other personal property sustained damage in the accident, you’d want to provide bills or invoices to demonstrate the financial cost of the damage. 
  • Proof of other financial losses – If you incurred any other incidental costs as a result of the incident or your subsequent injuries, you should hang on to the receipts or other documents that show how much you paid out-of-pocket.
  • A detailed “pain journal” – The subjective cost of the pain and suffering you endured due to your injuries can be a significant factor in your injury claim. However, pain and suffering can also be difficult to prove or quantify. To help you document and pursue fair compensation for your personal losses, you can keep a “pain journal” in which you record the day-to-day pain, discomfort, and physical limitations you experience because of your injuries. 

How Cain Law Can Help You

At Cain Law Office, our relentless Oklahoma attorneys have recovered more than $80 million in compensation for deserving clients just like you. We provide free initial case reviews, and our team is available to start working on your case immediately with no upfront or out-of-pocket charges to you. In fact, you won’t owe us anything unless we win money for you. And because we have experts who perform evaluations for future medical needs and costs and future loss of earnings, we demand the full amount of compensation to which you may be entitled. 

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help.