FAQs About Oklahoma Personal Injury Law

personal injury lawyer in oklahoma city

If you’re injured in an accident, having questions afterward is natural. An injury can take over your life, making it difficult to focus on anything else, including work or other responsibilities.

Understanding your options after you were injured by someone else can provide much-needed clarity and peace of mind at such a challenging time.

Our team of compassionate Oklahoma personal injury attorneys at Cain Law can answer your questions, address your concerns, and offer support during this stressful time. Call us for your free initial consultation today.

How Can an Oklahoma Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me?

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you with various elements of a claim, including:

  • Conducting an Investigation – An attorney can look into the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the accident and identify responsible parties to determine who should pay for your losses.
  • Assigning Fair Value – A seasoned lawyer has experience with injuries from accidents and can use their previous knowledge to estimate the long-term impact your injury could have on your life.
  • Filing a Claim – A claim must be accompanied by thorough documentation to prove the critical elements of the accident and injury, and collecting this paperwork and supporting evidence can be time-consuming.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies – An attorney knows how insurers operate and that their initial offers are rarely adequate.
  • Litigating in Court – A lawyer can take your claim to court if negotiations fall through or fail to yield a fair settlement so they can pursue your claim in court to recover compensation that covers your losses.

How Do I Know If I Have a Valid Personal Injury Claim?

To get compensation, the injured party must prove that someone else’s carelessness or wrongdoing caused an accident and the resulting accident caused their injury. To determine whether you have a valid personal injury claim, your best course of action is to meet with an experienced personal injury lawyer. The lawyer can review the critical details of your case, the accident’s circumstances, and the severity of your injury.

There’s no one-size-fits-all rule for accidents, making it challenging to make a broad assessment with little specific information. Having an attorney review your situation will reveal whether you should proceed with a claim.

What Compensation Can I Recover After a Personal Injury?

If you’re injured in an accident, you’ll suffer losses in several areas of your life. Your compensation might include money for:

  • Medical Expenses – These include hospital or ER visits, surgical costs, prescription medications, occupational or physical therapy, and any other past or future medical expenses related to your injury in your claim.
  • Lost Wages – Your injury might prevent you from returning to work, resulting in an immediate loss of income. Your lawyer can calculate the money you would’ve made if you could’ve returned to work, including bonuses, promotions, or even personal time off (PTO), and include it in your claim.
  • Loss of Future Earning Potential – Your injury could limit your mobility and affect your long-term employment opportunities and capabilities. Compensation for the potential earnings you would’ve made in your career should be part of your claim.
  • Pain and Suffering – These intangible losses have value, and you should be compensated for the physical pain and emotional stress of your injuries.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life – Your injury might prevent you from being able to participate in activities and hobbies you previously enjoyed, potentially adding to feelings of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. This loss is part of your claim, as well.

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

The value of a personal injury case depends on the circumstances of the individual claim and several associated factors, including:

  • The extent of your injuries and duration of your convalescence
  • The cost of medical treatment
  • The value of your overall losses

An Oklahoma City personal injury lawyer can calculate the extent of these losses in your case.

How Do I Prove the Other Party Was at Fault?

Proving fault requires evidence that demonstrates who caused the accident that harmed you. Depending on the type of accident and the circumstances, several parties could be at fault for an accident, including:

  • Drivers
  • Property owners
  • Employers
  • Municipalities
  • Product manufacturers
  • Doctors and healthcare providers

Do I Have to Go to Trial?

The idea of going to court for a personal injury claim can be intimidating, especially for an injury victim already dealing with a lot of distress. Not every personal injury claim goes to trial, and most claims ultimately settle without going to court. Additionally, a skilled personal injury attorney can handle all communications with insurance companies and involved parties, so you won’t have to make a single phone call.

Can I Afford a Personal Injury Attorney?

Many injury victims don’t seek legal help because they’re worried about the potential cost. The reality is that affordable help is available. Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. That means the client pays nothing upfront and only pays their attorney if they reach a settlement or receive compensation through a favorable verdict.

Contingency fees allow injury victims to receive the essential legal help and representation they need to pursue compensation to cover their losses without any risk to their bank accounts.

Is There a Deadline to File My Personal Injury Case?

There is a deadline to file a personal injury claim in Oklahoma, which is defined by the statute of limitations. You have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party in Oklahoma. It’s critical to file your lawsuit as soon as possible to avoid missing out on your opportunity to seek compensation. If you miss the deadline and try to file late, the court will most likely dismiss your case without a hearing.

How Can I Learn More? Contact Our Oklahoma Personal Injury Attorneys for Help

If you suspect you have a personal injury claim, we can assist. At Cain Law, we’re happy to explain your options, address worries, and handle your entire claim as you recover. You owe us nothing unless we successfully recover compensation for you. The hardest part is taking the first step, but we can take it from there once you call. Contact us today for your free consultation.