Category: Trucking Accidents Blog

Understanding Semi Truck Accident Liability

If you were injured in a truck accident, Oklahoma personal injury law allows you to seek full compensation against the parties responsible for the truck wreck for the injuries you have suffered. However, trucking companies often fight vigorously to avoid paying out any compensation following big rig accidents involving their…

H.R. 3781, the Insurance Act

Recently, H.R. 3781, the INSURANCE Act, was introduced to Congress. The bill would have raised the minimum insurance requirement for commercial motor vehicles. However, the act failed to pass. Read on to learn more about this proposed law and how it may still impact future claims.  What Is H.R. 3781…

The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report to Congressional Requesters entitled “Truck Underride Guards Improved Data Collection, Inspections and Research Needed.” The report found that an average of about 219 fatalities from underride crashes involving large trucks were recorded annually from 2008 to 2017. It also…

Five Tips for Driving Safely Around Trucks

Nothing is more dangerous than a large tractor-trailer colliding with a passenger car on the highway. As Oklahoma Department of Public Safety statistics show, between 2012 and 2016, on average, 497 drivers of large trucks were involved in fatal and injury-producing truck wrecks on our state’s roads each year. The…