Why Experience Matters: Choosing the Right Lawyer for Your Truck Accident Case

Experiencing a truck accident can be overwhelming. Searching for a lawyer afterward might seem daunting, too. You can ease this burden by knowing what characteristics to look for when searching for a lawyer.

Here are the skills you should look for in an experienced truck accident lawyer you hire to pursue the compensation you deserve:

Investigation Skills

Truck accident cases are complex and require a lawyer who excels in gathering and analyzing critical evidence. Look for an experienced truck accident attorney who can:

  • Conduct Rapid Response Investigations – Trucking companies employ investigation teams that respond immediately to accidents to determine how the truck accident happened. These teams often report results favorable to the company, putting injured victims at an immediate disadvantage. An attorney who can conduct a swift, thorough, and unbiased investigation into the cause of a truck crash can protect your ability to pursue compensation.
  • Retrieve Black Box Data – An experienced truck accident attorney knows how to collect information stored on a truck’s black box, which contains critical data and details about the vehicle’s operation immediately before and during a collision. Gathering this information is vital to supporting your claim.
  • Preserve Crucial Evidence – A lawyer can use subpoenas, injunctions, and other legal tools to preserve critical evidence, including black box data, the driver’s hours-of-service logs, and other trucking company records.

Anticipating Insurance Company Tactics

Trucking companies carry considerable insurance coverage, but their insurers may employ tactics to minimize payouts, including making a quick but low settlement offer and hoping you’ll be desperate enough to accept it. They may even attempt to place blame on your shoulders to avoid paying you the fair settlement you deserve. An experienced personal injury attorney will be familiar with these tactics and can protect you against lowball offers and attempts to shift blame.

A lawyer with experience managing complex truck accident claims understands the extent to which an injury can profoundly impact your life. They will tirelessly negotiate for the money you need to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other losses, regardless of what the insurance company wants to pay.

Specialized Knowledge and Network of Experts

The trucking industry is subject to strict federal and state regulations governing all aspects of operations. Your attorney should be well-versed in these regulations and how they can affect your truck accident claim.

Additionally, your truck accident lawyer should have established relationships with expert witnesses who can provide critical insight into your situation. These include medical professionals and accident reconstruction experts who can speak to the severity of the accident and its impact on your life.

Courtroom Experience

The vast majority of truck accident claims are settled out of court. Despite their financial and legal power, trucking companies do not want to deal with a trial. However, if they refuse to offer the compensation you deserve, you want an attorney with substantial courtroom experience who is prepared for complex and demanding truck accident litigation. Having an experienced trial attorney in your corner gives you much-needed leverage during negotiations, as the at-fault party may be more eager to settle to avoid a trial.

Contact Cain Law for Your Free Case Consultation

At Cain Law, our case results speak for themselves – we’ve recovered over $100 million for Oklahoma clients. We’re prepared to fight for the compensation you deserve. We offer free initial consultations and charge nothing unless we win. Our rapid-response team can investigate your accident immediately, and we’re available 24/7. Can’t come to us? We’ll come to you wherever you are. Call today to get started with your free consultation.